Assessment and Moderation
The Purpose of assessment
Assessment, record keeping, and demonstrating progress must be an integral part of teaching and learning for all students. It is used to monitor student progress and to inform planning and target setting. It is not an end in itself but should be used to help focus on the planning of appropriate learning intentions for individual pupils and groups.
Assessment takes account of every aspect of the child’s development: social, emotional, physical, personal and academic, and the influence these areas have on each other.
Assessment can be diagnostic, formative and summative and as such is an essential aid to the teacher to enhance the process of learning.
Assessment opportunities need to be built in at every stage of planning the curriculum because assessment is an integral part of the Teaching and Learning process.
Assessment, recording and reporting needs to be on the whole curriculum and the opportunities for extra curricular learning provided at Mapledown
Assessment, recording and reporting throughout the school needs to be accurate, fair and consistent with practice. Moderation is part of the assessment cycle, team planning and development across the key stages.
Parents/carers and all agencies involved with pupils have a role in these assessment procedures, e.g. parental comments through home/school books, annual reviews of Education, Health and Care Plans, etc.
Assessment will enable progression and continuity and will record situations when this is not possible.
Students and parents/carers will have access to assessments, when appropriate (e.g. Evidence for Learning, Annual reviews of Education, Health and Care Plans)
Assessment should be positive, meaningful and motivating, celebrating all of pupils’ achievements.
Where possible all pupils should be involved in their own assessment
All members of the class team contribute to the assessment process.
When Students begin their Mapledown journey, we undertake baseline assessments during the students’ first half term at school, and set Key Personal Learning Targets (KPLTs).
KPLTs are set in:
Communication & Interaction
Cognition & Learning
Social, Emotional & Mental Health
Physical Development & Sensory Needs
Being in the Community, Independence & preparing for Adulthood
These areas reflect the students’ Education, Care and Health Plans', and KPLTs are derived from the students’ long term outcomes set in their EHCPs.
AQA Unit Awards
At Mapledown, we take pride in the progress our pupils make in the curriculum area of PSHE. To validate their achievements, they are working towards accreditation through the nationally recognised AQA Unit Awards Scheme. This ensures that every pupil acquires skills that will benefit them in their subsequent educational placements and throughout their lives. Our aim is to empower them to achieve the highest level of independence possible.
Pupils will engage with modules tailored to their individual needs, focusing on the following areas:
• Our Community
• Travel Training
• Health, Fitness, and Healthy Living
• Leisure and Recreation
• Personal Care Skills and Safety
• Daily Living Skills
• Creative Experiences
• Enterprise
• Work-Related Learning
Evidence for Learning
We use Evidence for Learning - an online system in order to document and analyse progress in the moment over time.
We carry out two main types of assessment:
Summative Assessment ‑ those assessments concerned with establishing the overall attainment of pupils over time, for example;
Baselines & Target Setting
Key Personal Learning Targets & evaluations
Annual Reports
Annual Reviews
Reports from other professionals
Lunchtime Programmes
Data collection and analysis
AQA Units
Termly pupil progress meetings with SLT to make and moderate judgements for each student.
In addition to being assessed against their EHCP outcomes via KPLTs (Key Personal Learning Targets), we also assess our students' progress within our curriculum. Curriculum progress is assessed through "I can" statements. These statements are linked to skills needed to prepare for adulthood.
At the beginning of each academic year, pupils are baselined and then reassessed at the end of the Spring and Summer terms against the curriculum steps.
Formative Assessment ‑
This happens on a daily basis. Formative assessment examines what a pupil can do and assesses effectiveness of curriculum impact in order to inform future planning.
Types of formative assessment can include:
Classroom observations/interactions that indicate pupil attainment
Scrutiny of work (which also includes photographic and video evidence)
Lesson Plan evaluations
Students’ assessment of their own work
Pupil Profiles ‑ gathering, sharing and recording evidence of pupil attainment
The information and insights gained from these procedures help us to determine individual learning objectives, plan for their implementation and consider whether these objectives are being met. This is the cornerstone of good teaching and effective learning.
We have developed a system to carefully monitor the progress our students are making across the whole school.
We use a range of assessment tools to gather evidence and then look at all of this information at the end of each term. This enables us to monitor the progress each child is making from their starting points and identify pupils who are not making the progress we would expect so that we can put appropriate support in place.
We have defined the rates of progress pupils may make as follows:
Above Expected Progress: Pupils who are making significant and sustained progress in one or more areas of their development and making good progress in all areas of development.
Expected Progress: Pupils are making good progress in all areas of their development and there are no concerns about the pupil in any area.
Below Expected Progress: Pupils who are not making progress in one or more areas of development or there are concerns about the rate of progress. "
Please see below the link to Performance Data Performance tables: