Mapledown School & Covid19
Mapledown School will closed on Monday March 23rd and will remain closed for the rest of this term (April 3rd). At this stage we do not have a date for re-opening.
Even though we have no confirmed cases of Covid19 I believe that we have reached a point where all children should stay home. The advice from our government will change from day to day and I think that there is a very high chance that London will be in ‘lockdown’ before very long.
Although Mapledown will be closed to most pupils we will be offering limited childcare for ‘key workers’. We will only be able to offer this service if we have enough staff coming to work but we hope to keep going until Friday April 3rd. We will be calling those we believe are ‘key workers’ but we do not keep records of parent’s occupations so if you believe and can prove you are a key worker in need of our service please phone the school office immediately.
The majority of our staff have either signed themselves off or have been asked to work from home. Our key worker offer will be dependent on maintaining a skeleton level of staffing and there will be no nurses on site . Our website has the emails for every class teacher should you wish to contact them. The website will also contain any updates or changes to our situation. I plan to stay at school during the closure for as long as I can so if you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me during school hours on 0208 455 4111.
Head Teacher
Steve Carroll