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Working & Learning Together
to Achieve our Best

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     SEND - Special Education Needs and Disabilities Information Report

    The full report can be downloaded at the bottom of the page.

    How we support children with special educational needs or disabilities

    All staff are highly ambitious for Mapledown School students to ensure they achieve more than they believed possible, and instill high expectations to all.

    All students are supported to have positive attitudes when learning in whole class lessons, in groups and when working as independently as possible.

    The vast majority of students make good progress from their different starting points in Communication (which also includes Literacy and English where appropriate), Cognition (which also includes Maths, Science, Computing, Understanding of the world and Creative Arts), PSHE (which also includes Relationships, Sex and Health education) and Physical Development. Progress is measured throughout the year, and based on achievement towards outcomes based on our students’ EHCP, through the school’s Key Personal Learning Targets (KPLTs), and progress towards the curriculum taught, as well as towards additional frameworks used, such as SCERTS (Social Communication, Emotional Regulation and Transactional Support) and MOVE (to develop physical skills).

    Mapledown School is a secondary school for students with Severe and Profound Learning Difficulties (including Autism) in the London Borough of BArnet, and we have spaces for up to 114 students, aged 11 to 19 years old. The main school is organised into eleven classes in three distinct ‘Learning Zones’. From September 2021, we also have two additional classrooms co-located at Copthall Secondary school, catering for up to 16 students, and from September 2022, two additional classrooms are co-located at Whitefield Secondary school, for up to 16 students.

    All students have an Educational Health Care Plan or are admitted on an assessment basis. We have developed strong partnerships with families and carers and will always place the needs of students at the heart of all we do.

    Admissions to school are within the admission policy on our website.

    Our Ofsted rating for Mapledown School is ‘Good’. The most recent inspection was an ungraded 2-day inspection which took place in November 2023.

    Our vision: Working and Learning Together to Achieve our Best.


    For the full report please download the document below.