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    School Uniform

    In accordance with the wishes of many of our Year 7 parents as their child begins their Mapledown journey with us, we have introduced a basic school uniform. We encourage all our students from year 7 to 11 to wear it.

    The uniform consists of: a plain bottle-green jumper, cardigan, zip-up hoodie or sweatshirt, white or green shirt/blouse/polo shirt, plain black or bottle-green trousers or jogging bottoms.

    We recognise that some students may have particular sensitivities to the heat. For this reason, students may wear plain black shorts in the summer months. These may include black cargo-style shorts. We recognise that some students with Autistic Spectrum Conditions may have particular preferences and dislikes in relation to clothing. Please discuss any sensitivities your child may have with their class teacher. Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name.

    We encourage all our students from year 7 to 11 to wear uniform, but it is not compulsory as we recognise that many of our students, particularly those on the Autistic Spectrum, may have particular preferences in relation to clothing.