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    Please see our curriculum rationale for further information.

    To meet the diverse needs of the pupils at Mapledown, our curriculum is organised as a continuum of skills, further divided into levels or curriculum. 

    The Pre-formal Curriculum Pathway has been designed for learners with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD), including complex Autism, and complex learning styles and learning needs. Although some consideration has been given to overlaps and links with National curriculum subjects, it has been developed around the starting point of their individual needs, rather than from a forced attempt to make what is traditionally offered by schools “accessible”. Four key areas of learning are “taught” via a vast array of opportunities: Communication (including language and literacy development), Cognition (including mathematical development, computing, knowledge and understanding of routines and the Arts) Physical Development (including physical wellbeing, physical participation and hydrotherapy and the MOVE programme as appropriate) and Personal Development (including RSHE, PSHE, independence, personal hygiene, social skills, eating, drinking).

    The Semi-formal Curriculum Pathway has been designed for our learners who have Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD), including Autism. This group of learners also require repetition and a consistent approach. They may be able to demonstrate learning over time and some understanding that symbolic representation carries meaning. This curriculum builds on prior learning which has enabled the learner to demonstrate skills which allow the development of relationships with others, effective engagement and understanding of cause and effect. This curriculum teaches through six main subject areas (Communication, Language and Literacy, Cognition, Knowledge and Understanding of the World, Personal Development, Physical Development - including MOVE programme as appropriate, and Creative Development). It is expected that there will be regular overlapping of teaching which will enable generalisation and transfer of the skills and knowledge taught. 

    The Formal Curriculum Pathway has been designed for our learners who have more moderate learning difficulties, including Autism, and working at Pre-Key stage 1 or 2 standards. Some of these learners may have a spiky profile, which means they may need to dip into the semi-formal curriculum pathway, but have specific skills in one area. This level allows these learners to straddle curricula and/or use the curriculum in its totality. There are eleven subject headings (English, Maths, Science, Computing, Humanities, PSHE & Citizenship, RSHE, RE, PE - including MOVE programme as appropriate, Art and Music) which are taught in more traditional stand-alone sessions. These learners continue to require real objects, practical opportunities, modelling and a carefully differentiated approach.

    The Formal Curriculum Pathway - Reaching Higher has been designed for learners with moderate learning difficulties, including Autism, but which may not be their main barrier to learning, and who are able to work within the national curriculum, up to upper Key stage 2. It is expected that this level is only used for a very small number of learners, who are generally placed at our @Copthall satellite provision, and who have been able to demonstrate the ability to work independently in sessions with less adult input. There are twelve subject headings (the same as the Formal curriculum pathway, with humanities being split into History and Geography) which are taught in discrete sessions which stretch and challenge the learner’s knowledge and understanding.

    Religious Education (RE): We acknowledge and celebrate the major religions and offer a vibrant curriculum for all pupils throughout their school life using schemes of work specifically created to meet the learning needs of our pupils. Parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child from some or all RE sessions.

    Collective Worship: This takes place at the end of every day and provides an opportunity for pupils to reflect and share a special and different space with their peers.

    Across the school, the curriculum is further split into Secondary (KS3 and KS4) and Post 16. Each phase is expected to deliver sessions which recognise the age of the learners whilst using key motivators for our learners.

    Lessons are taught through a topic-based approach giving teachers freedom to plan and teach creative lessons that engage and motivate pupils to learn.