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    Friends of Mapledown.

    The friend of Mapledown is a registered charity (295504) and is Mapledown School’s parent staff association. We are also registered with JustGiving

    The Friends of Mapledown is a small group of teachers and parents. Our aim is to raise money so the children can have additional equipment needed whilst at school. By its nature, this equipment is usually very expensive, and we have an ongoing commitment to the school to provide what we can. 

    We also contribute to the cost of maintaining the grounds, pay for end of term outings and gifts, and support extracurricular activities such as yoga and visiting performers. We ask you to support the fundraising and social events held throughout the year and consider joining the £100 Club, which costs £10 and gives you a ticket in the monthly cash draw. 

    We always welcome new members and fresh ideas for fundraising. Any of the committee members will be glad to tell you more about us. We can all be contacted via the school office.